Privacy Policy
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The content provided by Sleep Disorders Australia and it's representatives is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitution for independent medical advice from qualified health professionals, the information is not intended to be relied on as medical advice or to be used for therapeutic purposes. Always seek the advice of health professionals in regards to investigation, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any medical condition and/or symptoms you may have. Direct any questions or concerns you have about your health or medical care to your treating physicians and/or seek second opinions from other qualified health professionals.
While due care is taken regarding the quality of the information provided, Sleep Disorders Australia and it's representatives assumes no legal liability or responsibility as to the guaranteed accuracy, completeness or the timely manner in which information is provided, the way in which information is interpreted or the relevance of the information to your circumstances.
Sleep Disorders Australia may provide or share third party content in the form of links to other websites or articles for your convenience or consideration from our website, email correspondence or social media platforms. This shared information does not necessarily constitute endorsement of services or products provided by third parties nor do the content or opinions held within reflect those of Sleep Disorders Australia.
Sleep Disorders Australia and it's representatives does not accept any liability for any injury, loss, damage or costs incurred by use of the information provided, any information provided that is relied upon is your responsibility and at your own risk.